Lubricants Buying Guide
Lube, perhaps more than any other accessory, is a crucial bonking ingredient. You’ll also get more mileage from your sex toys and vibes if you use a lubricant when you play! In fact, if you’re not already using a sex lube with your trusty vibrator, you’ll be amazed at how different a drop or two will make your vibe feel and how much wetter and wilder your orgasms will be! But with so many different lubricants on the market today, how do you go about choosing the lube that’s right for you? Begin by checking out our Vital Stats box when purchasing a product from Xijis Beauty as we’ve taking the guess work out of pumping up your pleasure by suggesting the perfect lube for you. And for more information on personal sex lubricants you can read all about our slippery secret to sensational sex below:
Like our Editor says, having sex without lube is like driving a car without tyres. It might just be possible, but you won’t find it terribly comfortable, you could damage some key equipment, and you certainly won’t get anywhere very fast! Whatever you choose and however you play, personal lubricants are the slippery secret to sensational sex so pump up your pleasure with the perfect lube from Xijis Beauty today!
Water-based sex lubricants
Are you looking for a lubricant that feels as natural as possible? Then a water-based lube may be to your liking. Affordable and readily available, water-based lubes make the ideal motion lotion as they supplement a woman’s natural vaginal lubrication and are also appropriate for most sex toys as they won’t damage expensive silicone and CyberSkin. Water-based lubricants are generally additive, grease and fragrance free too, which means they’re safe to use with condoms and barrier protection, they’re versatile and gentle on sensitive skin, and they wash off easily and quickly in water, making cleaning up after you play a breeze! Click here to check out our range of silky smooth water-based lubricants.
Silicone-based sex lubricants
Or do you want something with more staying power? A silicone lube should do the trick as it won’t be easily absorbed and should stay slick for a very long time! Silicone lubricants are slightly more expensive, but they’re worth every penny as a very small drop goes a long, long way. Silicone lubricants are also perfect for use in the water and with our great range of waterproof toys when you really want to slip, slide and glide. Silicone lubes can also be used as a skin moisturizer and are great for full body massage – you can even use them for shaving! Click here to check out our range of silky smooth silicone-based lubricants.
The low down on getting down
Both water-based lubes and silicone lubes are highly recommended because they’re safe to use with condoms, diaphragms, dental dams and sex toys. Oil-based lubricants like petroleum jelly (Vaseline), massage oils or body lotions can damage the surface of your sex toys and worse – cause condoms to break. We’ve heard it all here at Xijis Beauty… baby lotion, cold cream, cooking oil, suntan oil, even whipping cream! There’s no such thing as a healthy home-made lube! And spit certainly can’t cut it either! Substituting any one of these nasties for a specially formulated personal lubricant can lead to scary stuff “down there” including bacterial and yeast infections and itchy, scratchy jiggly bits! Please note though that silicone-based lubes should NOT be used with toys made from silicone, CyberSkin, or UR3 as they will make the material deteriorate, causing cracking and peeling of your toy’s super soft surface. When in doubt as to what type of material your toy is made of, always use a water-based lubricant.
Anal sex lubricants
Will you be using your lube for anal play? This type of penetration absolutely, positively needs lubrication because the rectum doesn’t produce any natural lubrication of its own. You’ll also want a thicker lubricant for indulging in anal play, possibly with a desensitiser in the formula. Water-based lube is generally the best choice for back door bump and grind because it won’t destroy latex or make your condoms unsafe. Click here to check out our range of specially formulated anal lubricants.
And finally
Lubricants can also be an easy and fun addition to spicing up your sex life! Xijis Beauty has a great range of deliciously flavoured personal sex lubricants to tantalize your taste buds while lubricating your lover, as well exquisitely textured warming lubricants to add that extra kick to your sexual encounters. Remember that whatever lube you choose and however you play, personal lubricants are the slippery secret to sensational sex – pump up your pleasure with the perfect lube from Xijis Beauty today.